Lectures & Panels Jerusalem: Insights into a Divided City

A conversation with Mahmoud Muna, Palestinian Jerusalemite writer and analyst widely known as “the Bookseller of Jerusalem,” to discuss newly emerging political and social trends in Jerusalem and how they are radically changing the conflict landscape and its development.
Event Overview
Since 1967, East Jerusalem has fallen into a state of “in-betweenness,” politically, economically and socially. This situation has resulted in the creation of many contradictions that need to be unpacked in order to be understood. On the back of two Intifadas, a failed peace process, and a pandemic, a new and disruptive generation of East Jerusalemite youth is taking matters into its own hands by crossing the old lines of “normalcy” and defining new ones. More and more Palestinians from East Jerusalem are studying in Israeli academic institutions, learning Hebrew, and working in the Western part of the city; but one must not be fooled: the majority is excluded from Israeli citizenship and integration is far from being a desire, aim, or possibility.
Join us for a conversation with Mahmoud Muna, Palestinian Jerusalemite writer and analyst widely known as “the Bookseller of Jerusalem,” to discuss newly emerging political and social trends in Jerusalem and how they are radically changing the conflict landscape and its development. Lea Kayali, J.D. ’24, will moderate the discussion.
Lunch will be provided.
Hosted by the Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World, the Human Rights Program at Harvard Law School, the Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association (MENALSA), and HLS Advocates for Human Rights.