June 12, 2024 Afrooz Maghzi Talks to Harvard Law Today about Human Rights Lawyering in Iran

Attorneys have been vital to these ongoing campaigns for human rights, despite decades of suppression by the government — including threats of arrest, imprisonment, surveillance, and worse.

June 10, 2024 Supporting International Advocacy to Advance the Rights of Women

The Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World submits joint report on gender-based violence and legal discrimination in Kuwait.

formal portrait photo of Lorenz Dante in dark gray suit and link pink tie

June 06, 2024 , Announcing the 2024 Writing Prize Recipient

Lorenz Dantes awarded Harvard Law School's 2024 Writing Prize of the Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World

March 21, 2024 , Prospects and Obstacles of Strategic Human Rights Litigation Globally: A Spotlight on Egypt

Egyptian legal historian Nader Andrawos and Omar Abdel-Ghaffar, 'JD 25, joined us recently for a discussion on strategic litigation in Egyptian courts. The discussion focused on experiences and discourses of human rights court advocacy within a highly circumscribed and volatile political context.