October 26, 2023ProgramAnnouncing Publication of the Third Issue of the Journal of Constitutional Law in the Middle East and North Africa
We are pleased to announce the publication of the third issue of the bilingual (English and Arabic) peer reviewed, open source Journal of Constitutional Law in the Middle East and North Africa.
We are pleased to announce the publication of the third issue of the bilingual (English and Arabic) peer reviewed, open source Journal of Constitutional Law in the Middle East and North Africa.
This third issue of the Journal is published jointly by the Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World (PLSMW) at Harvard Law School and the Arab Association of Constitutional Law (AACL).
We invite you to explore the online third issue, which features four essays that offer contextualized and timely analysis of constitutional developments and challenges in Tunisia, Iraq, Morocco, and Libya. The four essays contribute to the ongoing scholarly debate on constitutionalism and challenges of political transformation and democratic transition in the Middle East and North Africa region.
This issue includes an introductory note by the issue’s co-Editors, Salma Waheedi (Harvard Law School) and Tamara El Khoury (Arab Association of Constitutional Law), and essays by Jinan Limam (Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences in Tunis, Tunisia), Kazem Al-Jubouri (Al Qadissiya University, Iraq), Elhabib Stati Zineddine (Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco), and Judith Heimbach.