Lectures & Panels After India’s Elections: A Conversation on Democracy and Dissent 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Join us for a conversation with award-winning journalist Suchitra Vijayan on the changing landscape of political freedom in Indian

Lectures & Panels Case Update: Climate Judgements of the European Court of Human Rights 12:15 - 1:15

Aminta Ossom, Angela Hefti, and Tyler Giannini explore decisions of its first-ever climate cases at the European Court of Human Rights and how these rulings are likely to shape Europe’s response to climate change.

Lectures & Panels From Ownership to Partnership: Rethinking the Theory of Marriage in Islamic Law 12:15–1:15

In this presentation, Havva Guney-Reubenacker will discuss her ongoing work on Islamic legal critiques that challenge the legitimacy of women’s inequality in Islamic law’s traditional theory of marriage.

Lectures & Panels Symposium: African Perspectives on International Climate Change Law 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Please join us for an all-day hybrid academic symposium “African Perspectives on International Climate Change Law.”  Panel sessions at the symposium will cover topics such as “Participation of African States in Shaping International Law” or “Climate Change and Loss and Damage.”