Past Events
Explore our past events, many of which you can watch recordings of with closed captions
Explore our past events, many of which you can watch recordings of with closed captions
Please join us for a panel discussion, featuring Payam Akhavan and Afrooz Maghzi, to explore the role of law and legal advocacy for justice, accountability, and human rights in Iran. Speakers will examine the evolution and prospects of human rights advocacy within Iran.
Ramy Khouili and Daniel Levine-Spound discuss the colonial origins, historical evolution, and impact of Article 230, an article of the Tunisian Penal Code that criminalizes homosexuality.
Matt Wells, JD ’09, Director of Amnesty International’s Crisis Response Programme, explores the role of supply chains and arms exports, including US-made weapons, in human rights and international humanitarian law violations around the world.
Professor Ardi Imseis discusses his new book on Palestine at the United Nations, based on primary archival materials and the author’s first-hand experience as a UN Official in Palestine for over a decade.