
Lectures & Panels Accountability, Reconciliation and Transitional Justice in Sri Lanka: Role of the International Community

12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

Hauser 104, HLS Campus | Zoom (Register below)

Poster for the November 13 lunch event Accountability, Reconciliation and Transitional Justice in Sri Lanka: Role of the International Community.

Join us for a discussion with Tiruchelvam Memorial Fellow Thyagi Ruwanpathirana and Kate Cronin-Furman on accountability, reconciliation, and transitional justice in Sri Lanka.

Event Overview

Victims of Sri Lanka’s internal armed conflict have been seeking truth, justice and reparations for the abuses and violations of international law committed during the nearly three-decade long war. Domestic transitional justice efforts have been largely piecemeal, with no real political will to address longstanding grievances. In addition to the change of government and their commitments to operationalize a new Truth and Reconciliation Commission victims are largely skeptical of, this panel with Thyagi Ruwanpathirana and Kate Cronin-Furman will discuss the role of the international community to ensure that Sri Lanka’s victims of grave human rights violations and abuses find redress.

Lunch will be provided to in-person attendees. To join via Zoom, please register here.

This event is sponsored by the Program on Law and Society in the Muslim World, the Human Rights Program at Harvard Law School, and HLS Advocates for Human Rights.