Fresh water pump in the countryside of Punjab
Ghulam Hussain

February 21, 2023, Comparing Colonial Water Legacies: Flow and Stagnation in Legal Development

Buffalo Environmental Law Journal publish new article by former Visiting Fellow Erum Sattar about colonial water legacies

We’re delighted to share a new article by former Visiting Fellow Erum Sattar, which has been published in Volume 29 of the Buffalo Environmental Law Journal. The article begins with an analysis of the ways in which property in water has been distributed and fought over or adjudicated in two common-law jurisdictions, starting with the Indus basin in modern day Pakistan, which contains the world’s largest contiguous irrigation network. You can read the full article at the following link: Erum Sattar, Comparing Colonial Water Legacies: Flow and Stagnation in Legal Development, 29 Buff. Envtl. L.J. 55 (2022).