Fresh water pump in the countryside of Punjab

February 21, 2023 , Comparing Colonial Water Legacies: Flow and Stagnation in Legal Development

Buffalo Environmental Law Journal publish new article by former Visiting Fellow Erum Sattar about colonial water legacies

January 20, 2023 , Branded Bodies: Judicial Torture, Punishment, and Infamy in Nineteenth-Century Iran

Former Visiting Fellow Farzin Vejdani's latest Open-Access article published by Cambridge University Press.

Muslim woman crying and returning wedding ring to her husband.

December 25, 2022 , Unilateral Repudiation or Divorce? Ṭalāq Betwixt and Between Diverse (Extra-)Judicial Environments

An article examining the multiple manners in which a foreign form of nuptial dissolution – broadly identified with the Arabic term ṭalāq can de facto be civilly recognized by judicial and administrative authorities.

Musawah campaign graphic

December 16, 2022 Program Newsletter December 2022

We are pleased to share highlights of our fall semester activities and publications from our faculty and fellows, and announce the call for applications for the 2023-2024 cohort of visitors.